Kings Heath Playcare

Fun, Friendly, Safe

Possible Strike action 27th April & 2nd May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

We have been awaiting confirmation from Mr Court, Head teacher as to if the school will be affected by the stike action causing a full school closure  Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. Playcare has only just been notified of the decision to close the school.
Due to the late confirmation recieved, we are unable to offer full or half day child care provision, we will however open offering childcare 7.30-9.00 am and 3.00-6.00 pm as a usual before and afternoon session.  Those children that are booked to attend these sessions on the afore mentioned dates / days may still access our service
Please note on both dates 27/4 and 2/5, both Junior and Infant provision will run from the school site.
Please drop off and collect all year groups at the Play house entrance situated on Poplar road as this will evade children and parents having to cross the picket line.
Kind regards


Jo Hill

Kings Heath Playcare